Published Media
- Aesthetic Surgery Journal
- Fat Grafting to the Forehead/Glabella/Radix Complex and Pyriform Aperture: Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Implications
- The unfortunate, often avoidable sequel to cosmetic enhancement
- Inferior Pedicle Reduction Technique for Larger Forms of Gynecomastia
- Intramuscular Insertion of a Radiofrequency Microneedling Device for Facial Rejuvenation: A New Technique and Case Reports
- 8 Facial Rejuvenation with Fat Cells
- Comments on “Ptosis: An Underestimated Complication after Autologous Fat Injection into the Upper Eyelid”
- LOOSELY SPEAKING…… The skinny on the evolution of non- incisional skin tightening
- Mr Fix it Article
- Periorbital Fat Grafting and Its Effect on Upper Eyelid Height
- Porcine-derived acellular dermal matrix in primary augmentation mammoplasty to minimize implant-related complications and achieve an internal mastopexy: a case series
- Response to “The Benefit of Acellular Dermal Matrix Placement in Primary Breast Surgery May Outweigh the Cost in Patients at High Risk of Capsular Contracture”
- My Transformation as a Trainee in a Halstedian Surgical Residency: A Tribute to My Mentors
- SERI Surgical Scaffold as an Adjunct for Circumferential Abdominoplasty and Lower Body Lift
- SERI Surgical Scaffold as an Adjunct to Conventional Brachioplasty
- Six Feet Apart: Lessons Learned from COVID-19 and Social Distancing
- Soft-Tissue Reconstruction of the Brow with Restylane
- The Benefit of Acellular Dermal Matrix Placement in Primary Breast Surgery May Outweigh the Cost in Patients at High Risk of Capsular Contracture
- Ulthera for Silicone Lip Correction
- Consumer Alert: How to Avoid the Temptation of Cheap Cosmetic Enhancement
- Ultherapy Shrinks Nasal Skin after Rhinoplasty following Failure of Conservative Measures
- Tamarin Lindenberg 2-16-2018 Article
- Weston Magazine: Ask the Doctor - May 2011