Men’s Rhinoplasty Surgery
Conveniently located to serve Greenwich, CT; White Plains, NY; and Boston, MA
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Kornstein is a member of the highly selective Rhinoplasty Society, meaning he is one of the nation’s top providers of this surgery. Men’s rhinoplasty procedures reshape the nose for aesthetic improvements that enhance the masculinity of the facial appearance. Dr. Kornstein has helped countless men achieve their desired cosmetic goals with this procedure.
What Is Rhinoplasty?
A rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job,” is a widespread male surgical procedure used to correct a person’s nose’s look and functionality. Common reasons patients undergo rhinoplasty include:
- Eliminating a nasal “hump” on the ridge
- Correcting nostrils that are too large
- Reducing the size or increasing the definition of the nasal tip
- Changing the width of the nasal bridge
- Correcting a deviated nose
- Fixing the appearance of previous nasal fractures
- Functional repair to improve sleep apnea, snoring, migraine headaches, sinus headaches, and the inability to exercise optically
How Is a Men’s Rhinoplasty Different from a Women’s Rhinoplasty?
While female rhinoplasty most frequently involves reducing the nose size and creating more delicate contours, male rhinoplasty involves surgical alterations to produce more defined nasal contours. The harmonious enhancement of the forehead, mandible, and chin may accompany it.
Compared to feminine nose contours, masculine nasal contours are generally associated with the following:
- A bridge that is wider and starts higher, at the top of the eyes near the brow
- A tip that projects in line with the bridge (not protruding further outward)
- A strong and straight nasal bridge
- Thicker, more inelastic skin requiring the underlying skeletal structure to provide long-term shape and stability
The Men’s Rhinoplasty Procedure
Dr. Kornstein performs all his surgeries in his American Association of Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities-approved operating room. He has maintained his own approved surgical facility since 1997. This creates an understanding and caring environment served exclusively by his hand-selected staff.
The first step of the male rhinoplasty procedure is to provide you with one of our two full-time anesthesiologists to ensure you will be comfortable. Anesthesia is critical for rhinoplasty, as it maintains stable blood pressure, minimizes post-operative swelling, and protects the airway from blood dripping down the back of the throat during the procedure, leading to an upset stomach and nausea.
Next, Dr. Kornstein will make the necessary incision(s). The incision location will depend on whether he performs an open or closed rhinoplasty. During a closed rhinoplasty, Dr. Kornstein creates one incision within each nostril, through which he can make minor changes to the nasal structure.
He will perform an open rhinoplasty for more intensive alterations, where one incision is on the columella (the skin between the nostrils). The open rhinoplasty technique provides Dr. Kornstein a clear view of the underlying cartilage, bone, and soft tissue, which is necessary when more precise and complex modifications and to stabilize the nasal structures long term architecturally.
What to Expect During Men’s Rhinoplasty Recovery
You may have a temporary nasal splint and Vaseline-impregnated gauze in the nostrils until your one-week post-op follow-up appointment. While many other doctors advertise no nasal packing, Dr. Kornstein feels that nasal packing, which is well-tolerated, reduces the accumulation of swelling in the nasal airway leading to a faster functional recovery as well as helps "split" the nasal anatomy from their underside.
Some swelling and bruising are expected in the treatment area during the initial stage of your recovery. However, men tend to bruise and swell less than women. These symptoms will dissipate over the next week or two, gradually revealing your enhanced nasal contours.
Limiting nasal trauma during the surgical procedure leads to a faster post-operative recovery. Dr. Kornstein routinely uses a pulsed electromagnetic at-home appliance to facilitate healing by approximately 30%. In addition, he has developed and published a focused ultrasound technique that helps expedite the resolution of post-operative tip swelling.
Completing the healing process and arriving at your final results will take six months or more; however, many patients are happy with their new noses in as little as three weeks.
How Much Does a Men’s Rhinoplasty Cost?
Generally speaking, the average price of male rhinoplasty does not significantly differ from that of female rhinoplasty. The total cost of a rhinoplasty procedure depends on the incision type, the extent of alterations needed, and applicable anesthesia and facility fees. Medical insurance may apply, and we work with a professional medical billing agency to help facilitate your reimbursement.
Schedule a Consultation for Men’s Rhinoplasty in Greenwich, CT
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Dr. Kornstein is licensed in Connecticut, New York, Florida, and California and has offices in Greenwich and White Plains, CT. Your Men’s Rhinoplasty Surgery service will be performed in Dr. Kornstein's office located in Greenwich, CT