Scarless Breast Lift
Conveniently located to serve Fairfield County, Westchester County, and the greater New York City Area
With the advent of the scarless breast lift approach, one of the biggest sources of concern for patients is no longer an issue. These procedures, some surgical and some non-surgical, provide patient options intended to tighten the sagging skin of the breast and chest area without leaving scars. For more details about the scarless breast lift in Old Greenwich, CT, patients can get in touch with the office of Andrew Kornstein, M.D.
What Is a Scarless Breast Lift?
Simply put, conventional breast lift procedures require visible incisions, whereas the scarless breast lift employs internal (invisible) lifting techniques. These are utilized in surgery and energy-based rejuvenative technologies to tighten and rejuvenate the breast and chest tissues. This eliminates the need for visible scars. In some cases, only an in-office procedure is required. The end result is a more youthful, firmer, and perkier breast without visible scarring.
Good Candidates for a Scarless Breast Lift
Patients who are looking for breast enhancement, with or without implants, that leaves no marks would be excellent candidates for a scarless breast lift. Having realistic expectations is recommended.
Patients need to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kornstein to learn more about their scarless breast lift options. This will allow for a discussion of the patient’s goals and an examination of the suitability of the breasts for the scarless breast option. The patients will also be asked questions about their medical history, including their current medications, allergies, and past procedures.
Dr. Kornstein will go over the details of the patient’s path to a scarless breast lift procedure, including all pre-procedure instructions and aftercare directions. Patients are encouraged to ask questions at any time.
How Much Does a Scarless Breast Lift Cost?
Several factors can go into determining the cost of the scarless breast lift, including each patient’s unique aesthetic goals. Price can be discussed during the consultation.
Set Up a Consultation
More information is available regarding the scarless breast lift in Old Greenwich, CT, with Dr. Kornstein when patients come in for a consultation. Contact us today to set up your appointment for a consultation.
Over more than 20 years of clinical cosmetic practice treating facial and body aging I have noticed that there is an acceleration of aging that occurs around age forty to forty-eight. This phenomenon, when brought to the attention of my patients, is greeted with a knowing nod. I believe this accelerated aging is due to a progressive loss of blood supply. Without blood supply, tissues are unable to repair themselves and thus undergo a qualitative loss of youthfulness. I have come to the conclusion that cosmetic procedures require both treatment of the aging process in addition to the primary objective, reshaping of the tissues. In patients 40 and older it requires rejuvenation as well as contouring of aesthetic regions as a whole and not just an area at a time, as rejuvenation is as important as natural aesthetic tissue shaping and contour.
The aging face, especially the neck, undergo accelerated aging due to the synergistic effects of progressive loss of blood supply and gravitationally induced tissue degeneration; the breast and buttock are both more prone to tissue qualitative degeneration (because of their positioning away from skeleton support)as well as sagging; both the arms and the thighs-knees are farther from the source of blood flow as well as susceptible to gravitation tissue degeneration because of age related loss of muscle mass support. These are examples of aesthetic aging areas that require qualitative rejuvenation.
For facial bone and fat loss, adipose derived healthy fat cells replace missing contour and support, and stimulates blood supply; for facial and body soft tissues, radio-frequency with experimentally determined target time and temperature and/or helium plasma provide for facial and body soft tissue tightening, contouring and qualitative rejuvenation.
With an intimate knowledge of anatomy and understanding of the aging process, my patients are better prepared for what lies ahead and can look and feel better from head to toe.
Andrew Kornstein MD FACS has been a highly skilled board-certified plastic surgeon for over 25 years and is widely recognized as a top authority in his field. He specializes in the latest techniques for skin tightening, breast and body techniques, as well as facial fat grafting. His reputation is based on his personalized and detailed approach to every patient treated.
Dr Kornstein has moved to Florida but will be available in Connecticut until July 31 2024 and in Sarasota Florida beginning August 1, 2024.
Dr. Kornstein’s goal is for each patient to achieve his or her goal to feel young and youthful with a visionary approach. His attention to detail and superior training sets him apart from others, allowing him to achieve long-lasting natural results for years to come. Dr. Kornstein is licensed in Connecticut, New York, Florida, and California and has offices in Greenwich, CT and White Plains, NY.
Before & After Gallery
Dr. Kornstein is licensed in Connecticut, New York, Florida, and California and has offices in Greenwich and White Plains, CT. Your Scarless Breast Lift service will be performed in Dr. Kornstein's office located in Greenwich, CT